Toothache Treatment in Subiaco

A toothache can strike unexpectedly. It can be caused by trauma or biting something hard, and can be distressing, uncomfortable, and distracting when doing daily activities. If untreated, it can worsen over time.

A toothache may also be a symptom of an underlying problem that causes pain in the teeth and gums. The causes vary, and include decay, fracture and, infection; it is crucial to identify what causes your pain before deciding on treatment options.

At Subi Smilemakers, we will diagnose the cause and recommend possible treatments after a thorough and comprehensive examination. If you are suffering from a toothache, contact Subi Smilemakers today!

Causes of a Toothache

It is crucial to address the underlying cause of a toothache. Poor oral health can damage the tissues in the mouth, resulting in long-term complications. It can make chewing and swallowing more painful, and can impact your overall health. If left untreated, a toothache can hinder you when performing daily activities as the pain can be distracting. Here are some of the causes of toothaches:

Tooth cavities

Cavities cause toothaches and, if it is not treated, will worsen the discomfort and condition of the tooth. When sweet, hot, or cold foods contact the affected tooth, they may cause intense pain.


The common underlying cause of toothaches is an infection, such as a tooth abscess. This problem requires immediate dental treatment. Aside from the intense pain, it can result in swelling, tooth loss, spread of infection, and bacterial blood infection.

Gingivitis (gum disease)

Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontitis, a severe gum disease. It is caused by a build-up of plaque, smoking etc. Plaque accumulates when a person does not brush and floss their teeth regularly and/or adequately. Early detection and treatment are necessary before gum disease leads to more severe complications such as tooth loss and gum recession.

Cracked Teeth

A cracked or fractured tooth can present in different stages. The most common type is a chipped tooth, which is simple to repair and isn’t painful until the chip exposes the underlying layer of the tooth. Sometimes, the cusp of a molar’s biting surface will fracture, causing pain when chewing. Unfortunately, if the break extends below the gum line, the tooth will be irreversibly damaged and must be extracted. So, if you feel discomfort in a tooth, make an appointment with a dentist immediately.

Tooth Sensitivity

Some people may be more sensitive to cold food and drink than others. Tooth sensitivity can be a symptom of many problems: a cavity, receding gums, or a worn-down tooth. Thus, tooth sensitivity should be checked by a dental professional.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are a well-known source of tooth pain. The toothache caused by wisdom teeth is particularly specific. It is often characterized by a pain in the back, top and bottom area of your jaw, and difficulty opening your mouth wide. Experiencing pain when chewing might also suggest the development of wisdom teeth. If you're suffering from this type of pain and haven't had your wisdom teeth removed or been told that your wisdom teeth are about to erupt, then it's time to see the dentist for some x-rays.

Why You Should Choose Subi Smilemakers in Subiaco to Treat Your Toothache

Subi Smilemakers has been providing dental services for over 10 years, and is experienced in treating toothaches. We do our best to give you the right dental procedure to alleviate your pain. We also offer affordable payment plans, so you don’t need to delay your treatment.

We will first determine the cause of the toothache. If you have a toothache, we’d love to discuss the treatment options available to you. Give us a call today!

Frequently asked questions Toothache

The proper treatment for a toothache may vary depending on several factors, including as the severity of the pain; the most important factor is the root cause. The common dental procedures that our dentists may recommend are the following, but they are not limited to:

A toothache may be considered an emergency dental situation, especially if the pain persists longer than one to two days. You should call a dentist if there’s severe pain, swelling or inflammation of the soft tissue or if you suddenly have a high fever due to the toothache.

The symptoms of a toothache are pain and discomfort; this can range from a mild ache that comes and goes to a severe, persistent pain that only occurs when you bite down. The discomfort may be localized to a single tooth or radiate across adjacent teeth.

Other symptoms that may accompany a toothache include the following:

  • Pain in the jaw, ear, head or face.
  • Sharp, throbbing, or continuous tooth pain. Some people experience discomfort only when they apply pressure to their teeth (biting down on something).
  • Swelling gums or around the tooth.
  • Sensitivity to hot, cold or sweet food and drink.
  • Headache or fever.
  • An unpleasant taste sometimes comes from pus (dental abscess).
  • Bleeding from the mouth.
  • Bad breath.

Brushing with a fluoride-containing toothpaste regularly, flossing once daily, , and visiting your dentist twice a year for a professional cleaning and dental check-up are all examples of good oral hygiene practices. Aside from these habits, eat low-sugar foods and consult your dentist regarding sealants and fluoride treatments.

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